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Thursday, March 8, 2012

9:00-9:30pm- Seriously, how are you still reading this?!

8:50pm- What the hell is this black cloud my doctor speaks of?! Nurse Jenny says, "No, we are NOT going to talk about it". But of course, you guys brought it up, and now we all want to know. Dr. Khalek explains that my head nurse, Nurse Jenny, hasn't had a vaginal delivery since May. May?! It's the end of September! Every birth she has been present for has been in the O.R. because it has had to go to c-section. Not that she has done anything's just been her luck that she hasn't had a vaginal delivery. My heart drops. Another sign pointing to what I know is coming, but don't want to happen: a c-section.

9:00pm- Pushing...counting to 10, take a breath, count to 10 again. It's getting harder and harder to push all the way to 10. Making it to 7 or 8 is tough. And all I keep hearing is "Look at all that hair!" My baby girl is so close to making her debut, but my body wasn't letting her out yet. Add another tally to the "bad mom" column...add even more guilt to my plate. Nurse Jenny calls 2 more nurses in for ideas on how to get this baby out. An older one suggest playing tug of war. Huh?! I have to hold on to one end of a towel while she pulls the other, and push as hard as I can against her for 10 seconds. My mom has one leg and Jake's mom has the other leg still, Jake is at my head, supporting my neck. I do this 4 or 5 progress.

9:10pm- More rounds of pushing. My stomach is starting to get upset but I don't say anything. I just figure I'm getting stressed out from thinking about what will happen if I can't push Jennie out. "Look at all that hair!" I'm gonna punch the next person that says that. Tug of War hasn't helped. A young nurse (I swear she was only 16 years old) suggests laying on my side, one leg in the air and try pushing that way. So, exhausted as I was, I switch positions from my back to my left side. Right knee comes up to my chest, and I push. And push. And push. No progress. Jennie ain't moving.

9:20pm- Tug of War and laying on my side hasn't done a thing. At this point, I have a doctor, 3 nurses, Jake, my mom, and Jake's mom all in the room with me. And also by this time, I'm barely making it to 6 or 7 in my counts while pushing. The nurses and my doctor are all arguing over which positions and strategies are best for helping this baby out. Nurse Jenny calls another nurse in for more suggestions. Nurse Jenny doesn't like any of them- back to standard ol' pushing. But this time, she wants Daddy Jake to hold on to my leg. Ummmm, I don't think so. I don't want Jake to see my business down there. But she insists. Then says "I'm gonna use my hand to guide her head out" she slides her hand in me and I can feel her touching Jennie's head. Grossed out yet? Nurse Jenny counts to 10, and while I'm pushing I can feel her trying to coax Jennie out...relax, count to 10 again. Starting to feel nauseous. Still not saying anything about it.

9:25pm- Nurse Jenny asks for help from 2 other nurses. While Nurse Jenny has one hand on Jennie's head, the 2 other nurses get on either side of me, and "hold me open" with their hands while I push. Don't get what I'm trying to say? 3 nurses' hands inside me at one time. Think about it like trying to hold elevator doors open. Had no idea that was even possible. Barely making it to 5 in my counts before feeling like giving up. That chicken broth and strawberry jell-o I had for lunch isn't sounding like such a good idea anymore...


  1. Love reading your stories. You poor thing, what you had to go through!

  2. Yes I am still reading this!! Love, LOVE your narratives! THREE!!! Really!?! ;) What a trooper!

  3. YOu can't leave us hanging like this!! You have me hooked. Noy sure what that says about me enjoying your pain ;) It's actually your writing style that has me hooked - very witty.
    Proud of you!!!

  4. Ugh... I was just thinking about when to plan for our next child until I read this. All the memories of my birth experience came flooding back. If I had that many people in the room with me at the same time I'd deck someone! Was this your first?

  5. Cynthia- yes, she was my first. Sad part is, I know that I'm going to go through all this at least 2 more times. I want a houseful of kids! And thanks to everyone for the positive feedback!

  6. I can relate to your experience….ugh! So exhausting to think about it as it puts me right back into my 2.5 hours of non-progressive pushing. Looking forward to the next installment.

  7. I just wanted to read your post again... :)

  8. Ohmygod....THREE!? I totally almost threw up during this post. Ugh....but you pulled through!!!@

  9. I can't wait to hear what happened next! Too many cooks in the kitchen though and my husband and I have talked about him staying up by my head during our birth experience..... I'm with you about not wanting him to see all your business....

  10. Wow! (Gory comment alert -- do not proceed if you don't want to read another horrific labor story)

    When my first son was born, it was a lot like your experience (at least so far as your story goes). Every contraction, his heart rate plummeted to the low 30's. After pushing for a while and getting nowhere, they tried pushing him back in -- couldn't do a C-section with an unstable heartrate or something like that. That didn't work either. Suction, forceps. Nope. Finally, the doctor lubed up with betadyne soap and shoved his hand in and pulled him out. He was six months old before he got the all-clear, no permanent brain damage. AND in June, he graduates from high school in the top 5% of his class of 550 students and heads off to college on scholarship! :)

  11. You are so good at telling your story! I feel like I'm there!
